Send a hand bouquet of simply arranged 6 red roses to your loved ones. The red and green combination makes it more attractive. It will help your near and dear ones to celebrate their big days like wedding, birthday, anniversary or other occasions. We provide all the arrangements to keep the flower fresh.
Product Code: uf83
We deliver fresh flower to maintain our high level of service but the quality & freshness depends on your selected delivery time and current weather in Bangladesh. If you want your flower to be delivered in between 7-9am in the morning, we will organize the flower at around 8-9pm on the night before to maintain the delivery time on the next morning as the flower market doesn’t open before 9.30am in the morning. Flower will be organized on the same day if the gift delivery time is in between 10am – 10pm. You will be able to select your delivery time during checkout.
This product is only available with a total purchase of US $25.00 or more, not by itself.